
From a former coconut plantation to bed and breakfast lodge

The B&B is able to accommodate up to nine guests with a maximum of 12 guests on the premise that the three additional guests come with their own sleeping bags, jokes Samantha Fernandez, who co-owns the business via a joint venture with the owner of the property where the B&B resides.

From beauty salon to industrial real estate negotiator

While he began his foray into the industry by selling residential and commercial properties, Siow only discovered his niche in the industrial properties market two years ago. In an interview with EdgeProp Malaysia, Siow explains that the jump to industrial came from understanding that he was more of a “facts and figures” person, which would put him in a better stead to handle industrial transactions, compared to residential transactions.

Celebrating Chinese New Year the safe way

Unlike the past two years, Chinese New Year celebrations this year will be a more joyful affair. This year, gatherings between family members and house visits have been permitted, even though these gatherings are subject to the Chinese New Year standard operating procedures (SOP) that were released by the Ministry of National Unity on Jan 19.

Don't be a victim of meter tampering

“The general idea of meter tampering is when the utility meters have been tampered, in which readings of the meters are not providing accurate reflection of the consumption,” says Chris Tan, managing partner and founder of Chur Associates